Callie Daruk

Mar 10, 20172 min


How often I have longed for do-overs at various points in my life. I can close my eyes and think of several instances.

No matter how bad I'd like to, I can't go back in time and change the past. We each have only one life to live but could it be that each day God sustains us is in effect, a do-over? A perpetual do-over?

I have a love-hate relationship with exercise and yet God often reveals a strong parallel between my physical body and the spiritual battles I fight. On a good day I wake up early for my morning workout. Day after day my body needs me to be disciplined to do this. Yesterday's workout, as good as it may have been, simply will not get me through today's need for exercise. Yesterday's healthy meal plan will not take care of my nutritional needs for today. I must do it all over again...and again...and again. Of course there are times I need breaks and lately I've taken far to many of them, but as a matter of lifestyle I must repeat this process day in and day out.

Just a few days of letting these habits slide and suddenly I find myself mad at the dryer for shrinking my jeans again.

Conversely if I failed to eat healthy and exercise my physical body yesterday, despite what I might think, I haven't "blown it." I may have some catching up to do but today's dawning came with a do-over of sorts. Today I can choose to right those wrongs. My mind however attempts to deceive me into allowing yesterdays failures to keep me from seeing today's do-over.

Couldn't the same be true in our relationship with God? He provided fresh manna daily for the children of Israel in scripture. Yesterday's manna was not meant to sustain them for today. There were some people that tried to keep the left overs. As it turned out it rotted, stunk, and was completely inedible. But God was not and is not a father that will leave his children hungry. Even those who attempted to hoard the extra manna were not left to starve. Each new day presented them with an opportunity to trust God to provide for the manna they needed that day. Every morning for them was a do-over.

Just as I cannot get by with my healthful habits from yesterday neither can I as it pertains to spiritual matters. And in these matters the consequences carry far more weight (no pun intended). I needed God yesterday, I need him today, and I will need him again tomorrow.

Yesterday's time spent with him will not get me through today. I need him all over again. Yesterday's lack of time spent with him should not hinder me from seeking him today. Despite what I think I didn't blow it.

As the sun rises and my eyes open wide, God has already given me a sweet gift. A do-over.

A perpetual do-over.
